Uncategorised opt-in processing

In this article, we’ll show you how to assign a category to an opt-in and change it from “uncategorised” to something else 🙂

What is an uncategorised opt-in?

An uncategorised opt-in is an opt-in that does not yet have a category assigned for reporting.

To set new custom subcategories or manage their configuration, visit Opt-ins → Categories. For more information, click on this link: Explaining opt-in categories.

Why you'd want to change your opt-in's category

Whenever you created an opt-in, if you forgot to assign a category to it, then when this opt-in is being used in your campaigns, Qualifio will automatically show it as “uncategorised” in your reports.

Why does this matter? Organising your opt-ins into categories and subcategories allows you to view your data in totally new ways. Basically, if you frequently forgot to set your opt-in categories, it can easily lead to majorly disorganised reports and meaningless data.

Fortunately, manually selecting your desired category for an existing opt-in is only a small extra step. Indeed, changing from “uncategorised” to anything else is pretty simple! Follow the steps below ⬇️

2 ways to categorise an uncategorised opt-in in Qualifio

Required user permissions: “Admin” or “Marketer”.

You can manually categorise the uncategorised opt-ins. There are two ways to do this:

Method 1:

The first process is as follows:

  1. Go to Content > Opt-ins > Opt-ins.
  2. Select the opt-in you want to categorise.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. To apply a category, click on the drop-down menu next to Categories and select the subcategory you would like to use.

Capture d’écran, le 2023-10-09 à 11.05.24.png

Don't forget to click on the save button!

Now let’s go to the second way you can get rid of the “uncategorised” opt-ins.

Method 2:

  1. Navigate to Insights > Opt-in stats.
  2. Scroll down the page and locate the Uncategorised opt-ins section.
  3. Change the view to “Conversions by Opt-in ID”.
  4. Then, click a chart bar and then select Go to URL.
  5. After that, you will be redirected to a screen where you can choose a category for the selected opt-in.


Once a category has been assigned to the opt-in, then it will be reviewed again and Qualifio will use the category you selected for this opt-in.

Data is processed and the opt-ins dashboard is updated every 24 hours. After that, your opt-in will show up within the new category that you’ve assigned it to – instead of being part of the “uncategorised” opt-ins.

That’s all. We hope this guide helped you. It’s time to get rid of those “uncategorised” opt-ins!

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