User role permissions

Qualifio includes the following roles:

  • Account Admin
  • Marketer
  • Editor
  • External user
  • Observer (view-only, advanced)
  • Organisation Owner
  • Data Protection Officer (DPO)

Learn more about these roles here.

Table of roles and permissions

For security and usability, each feature in the Qualifio platform is designed to be available to users based on the role assigned to them. Each role has permission to perform the tasks shown in the table below.

We advise you to check this table and make sure you are happy with users’ access before changing the role of a user.


  Admin Marketer Editor External user Observer


Create new campaigns
Edit campaigns
Create Promotional pop-ups *
Publish campaigns (switch ON/OFF) * * *
View campaign statistics dashboard
Export campaign statistics dashboard * *
View campaign detailed statistics
Export campaign detailed statistics * *
Duplicate campaigns
Delete campaigns
Purge campaigns
Mark campaigns as models
Edit model campaigns
Add/remove campaign tags


Create forms * *
Edit forms * *
Mark forms as Master * *
Manage Master Forms * *
Create opt-ins *
Manage opt-ins *
Qualification questionnaires
Unique codes
Verification emails
Create contest rules
Manage contest rules
Pop-up triggers


Bulk upload photos


Campaign templates
Minisite templates
Save look & feel as template
Manage fonts * *


Access the Global Stats *
Export data from the Global Stats *
Access the opt-in stats
Export data from the opt-in stats
Access the participants stats *
Access the CRM *
Export participant data *
Export participation data *


Access the GDPR Toolbox *
Personal data erasure
Automatic user erasure ** **
Personal data export
Privacy texts ** **
Export and erasure requests
GDPR logs ** **
Overview of questions **
Overview of form fields **
Data Protection Officers ** **
GDPR documentation
Tag Library * *


Create and manage redirects
Campaign Feeds
Facebook Apps


Push rules *
Integrations (connectors)

Account access

Edit user rights
Manage 2FA
Access login history
Manage observers

Advanced features

Enable/disable advanced features


Edit organisation name *** *** *** ***
Access accounts list *** *** *** ***
Edit organisation structure *** *** *** ***
Add new users ✅*** ✅*** ✅***
Manage users ✅*** ✅*** ✅***
Export list of users ✅*** ✅*** ✅***
Delete users ✅*** ✅*** ✅***


Change own password
Change own user role Only for a lower-level role Only for a lower-level role Only for a lower-level role
Manage own websites access

*If enabled in the User rights

**Only if Data Protection Officer (DPO)

***Only if Organisation Owner

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