User roles

Qualifio uses a concept of roles, designed to give the Owners and Administrators the ability to control what users can and cannot do. This article describes each of the user roles in the platform.

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What is a user role?

A user role defines permissions for users to perform a group of tasks and controls access to areas and features within the Qualifio platform.

What are the standard user roles?

Qualifio has one organisation role and five account roles with a predefined set of permissions. These roles are

  • Organisation Owner
  • Account Administrator
  • Marketer
  • Editor
  • External user
  • Observer (advanced*)

*Advanced features may be enabled/disabled globally by the account Administrators.

All these different user roles have different permissions that are explained here.

Organisation Owner

Let’s first understand the Organisation Owner role in detail.

  • The Owner is the user who owns an organisation in Qualifio. They have complete administrative access to your organisation and can manage everything at the organisation level.
  • The first Owner of your organisation is configured by your Customer Success Manager according to your needs. There is thus always at least one owner in an organisation, but each organisation can have more than one Owner.
  • An Owner of an organisation has privileges which include:
    • changing organisation settings,
    • creating and deleting accounts of the organisation,
    • modifying the organisation structure,
    • seeing all organisation users from the Users tab,
    • inviting and removing users from an organisation,
    • changing user account access roles,
    • assigning or removing organisation Owners,
    • and accessing specific features, as per their account roles.
The Owner role is separate from account roles (such as Admin, Marketer, Editor), which grant privileges within specific accounts. However, a user with the Owner role automatically obtains Admin privileges for all accounts in the organisation. These privileges can be removed in the organisation's Users page.

Summary of account roles

The Account Administrator has the highest level of account access (they can perform any activities on your account), while the Observer has the least. Here, you’ll find a list of the user roles available in your account and a brief description of the access they grant:

Account Administrator

  • Somebody with full access to the features in the account. Nothing is off-limits!
  • This is a role for team leaders and expert users to manage the account configuration (e.g. website/subdomain management).
  • Admins can lock/unlock Master Form settings, create and delete users – and even delete all of your data, making this a powerful role in Qualifio.
  • Your account can have multiple Administrators, so you don’t have to manage your account on your own.


  • Somebody who has access to most of the features and can create and manage campaigns – which may include the campaigns of other users.
  • This role gives access to all day-to-day campaign management operations (create, delete, rename and duplicate).


  • Somebody who can create and manage campaigns.
  • A limited role, Editors can create campaigns in your account but cannot manage forms, templates, opt-ins or variables.
  • If a Master Form setting is locked, Editors cannot change it.
  • The navigation bar is visible, but only the Campaigns, Content, Multimedia and Privacy tabs are available.

External user

  • Somebody who can create and manage their own campaigns but cannot publish them nor access the statistics.
  • Ideal for agency staff, this role gives complete campaign creation capability, with no export capability.
  • The navigation bar is visible, but only the Campaigns, Content, Multimedia and Design tabs are available.

Observer (advanced)

  • Somebody who can only access campaign dashboards and statistics.
  • This role only allows the user to read campaign statistics and moderate submissions, but not to create or edit anything.
  • The navigation bar is visible, but only the Campaigns tab is available.
  • This role is the most restricted one on the Qualifio platform.
  • The Observer user role is an advanced feature that may be enabled/disabled globally by the Administrators.

Please see User roles permissions for a detailed list of permissions for each of these user roles.


  • Custom roles cannot be created.
  • One user can have several roles in different accounts.
  • Any user can change their own password.

Access to user rights

Although every role has a predefined set of capabilities, some capabilities can be added and removed from specific roles to meet your organisation’s specifications.

Permissions can be added and removed in User rights. This allows account Administrators to manage who can create and edit forms, create pop-ups, access the Global Stats and the GDPR Toolbox, publish campaigns, export data, and more.

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Best practices

It is important to follow some best practices while assigning roles in your account so that your account’s security is not compromised:

  • Consider carefully what role you assign other users: it is a good practice to use several roles in your account. Apply the most suitable role to each user, giving them the appropriate amount of access and permissions and not more.
  • Make sure the user credentials are secure: each user can log on to the Qualifio platform with a unique email address and password. We recommend that each user has their own login and that logins are not shared with anyone else. This allows you to secure your account and easily remove users or change their permissions in the future.
  • Lock Master Form settings to protect them: for even greater data collection, Qualifio permits Master Form settings to be locked from any changes.
  • Limit the number of Owners and Administrators and assign all other users a lower role. The Organisation Owner role is meant for people who need full control of the organisation. Likewise, Account Administrators have complete access to all features within the account. Both roles include the ability to delete campaigns and users and should therefore be limited, but to no less than two people in your organisation.

Additional reading

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