What's the difference between an iframe and a minisite?

A widget is an integration code that you manually paste into your website or CMS.

A minisite will automatically generate an independent website with a single and automatically generated URL.

widget Widget

A Widget is an iframe or javascript code that you manually copy/paste from Qualifio to your website or CMS.

It’s located on a blank area of the page of your website that will host your campaign. If this area is 618px width for example, then you’ll need to create a 618px width campaign in Qualifio.

You can compare a Qualifio Widget to a Youtube Embedded Code.


minisite Minisite

Qualifio automatically generates a new URL for each campaign published on a mini-site. The default domain name is player.qualifio.com. Once your website is correctly defined in Qualifio, you don’t have to do anything out of Qualifio to publish your campaigns – sounds cool isn’t it?

You can, of course, change the domain name in order to avoid that your participants play on a player.qualifio.com instead of yourbrand.com. Check this article

To create a mini-site :

1. You can either use our minisite editor and create your minisite entirely in Qualifio:

How to use the minisite editor

2. Or you can import your own minisite in Qualifio:

This second option requires an initial short setup :

You will have to create a reference page on your website (call this a template, a container or a wrapper) with, for example, a header, footer, sidebar and host it on your domain. In this HTML page, you’ll set up a blank area where your Qualifio campaigns will be located. In order to do this – just write a variable in this space (ex: $$content$$).

After that, you will need to do 2 things in Qualifio :

  1. Add this website by copy-pasting your URL in Settings/Websites management/Your Website/Mini-site, in the field 'Desktop'
  2. Copy-paste the variable in the variable field.

 If your campaigns need to have a totally different look and feel than your corporate website:

you just have to create a new website with your desired look and feel and a new blank area on it.
Just repeat the steps from the previous point in Qualifio: Add the website, edit that website: fill the URL in the minisite tab and add the variable.


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