How to a create a prediction campaign with open questions?

Qualifio allows you to create prediction campaigns where participants may manually insert the number of goals each team will score!

 You fill here below the steps to follow :

1. Create your campaign (Type of campaign : Prediction)



2. Create your questions: Create one question per team AND per match (example: for match Belgium - Italy: first question = Belgium / second question = Italy) For each question, create a numeric question For each question, you can use a flag as an illustration of the question. The artwork will automatically be resized to 100px wide. You can add a subsidiary question at the end.

3. Once you have created your questions, stay in the tab “Questions” and navigate to the options.  Click on Other Options and select : Display all questions on the same page. A dropdown        will appear: choose an alignment on 2 columns.


4. Select a form (before or after the questions).

5. In the exit screen and in the Facebook share (virality), you can use variables {q1.response},    {q2.response} etc.  These variables will be filled in with the answers of your participants.

They will directly share a personalized message with the score they predicted!

Discover more about variables.

For example, the copy of your Facebook Share could be : “I just did my predictions for the Euro 2016 : Belgium-Italy {q1.response} - {q2.response}, Belgium-Eire {q1.response} - {q2.response} and Sweden-Belgium {q1.response} - {q2.response}.. Make yours!”

6. How to define your winners? Once the competition is over, use the new filters in the statistics of your campaign (Games or Winners).


Those filters allow you to filter based on your participants answers :


Design Tip: If you want to add a “Vs” between the questions it’s not that complicated. Paste this  CSS code in the CSS tab of the look and feel. It will automatically take the background color and the text color of the buttons.

.column2:nth-of-type(2n+2):before {
content: "VS";


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