ClearOn coupons integration

Qualifio allows you to instantly connect with ClearOn to increase sales or traffic by delivering coupons using emails, SMS notifications, or redeem links.

This integration requires a Qualifio account and a ClearOn account. If you’re not already a Qualifio client, request a demo to discuss how the Qualifio and ClearOn integration can work for you.

In this section:

  1. The benefits
  2. How it works
  3. Get started
  4. Best practices & FAQs

Important consideration

While we’re able to provide basic guidance with this integration, we’re not able to provide support in terms of customising your coupons directly as ClearOn is a third-party application. We recommend reaching out to ClearOn Experts if you need it.

The benefits of integrating ClearOn with Qualifio

Our native integration allows you to distribute your ClearOn discount coupons to Qualifio campaign participants. Combine Qualifio’s features with ClearOn’s coupons to

✅ create a campaign that suits your business needs,
✅ incorporate personalisation in your coupon strategy,
✅ launch promo campaigns faster,
✅ improve campaign conversions with smart incentives,
✅ and encourage participants to shop at your business.

How it works

The core idea is that you generate discount coupons in ClearOn and they are distributed to people taking part in your Qualifio campaign. You may choose

  • if ClearOn should send an automatic email/SMS to your participants,
  • if you’d like to use a redeem link directly in your customisable Qualifio campaign’s exit screen,
  • or both options above.

In this tutorial, we’ll guide you through the enabling of the ClearOn integration in Qualifio. Then, we’ll show you how ClearOn coupons work in Qualifio campaigns. Finally, we’ll share instructions on how to quickly preview and test your campaign.

Get started distributing coupons to your participants using ClearOn and Qualifio

Before getting started, you will want to make sure that you enabled the integration in your account. This step requires a Qualifio team member to log in to enable the integration for you.

Step 1. Configuring the integration (only once for initial setup)

Let’s get you started with the configuration of the integration. It’s super easy!

Click on the new Configure button, then enter

  • the ClearOn endpoint: 
  • the authorisation header (API-nyckel)

And click Save.

Note that, for the name of the integration, you can name it whatever you want (this part won’t show to the users when we’re all done).

That's it! Now your ClearOn client account is connected. Keep reading for the steps to adding the coupon to your campaign.

Step 2. Adding the coupon to your campaign

Once you have set up your coupon in ClearOn and the connection to it in Qualifio, you are ready to add the coupon to your campaign.

Head to your mapping variables

First, navigate to your integrations and choose Mapping variables. You will need to create a new variable. Find out how to do so here.

  • For the display label, you can use whatever you want, but we recommend you choose something that you’ll easily remember later on when you need to assign the variable to your form field.
  • Set its technical name as deliveryType and its type as Answer. (The value it stores will thus be the participant’s selected answer.)
  • The variable should be available in forms.

When complete, choose Save.

Create your form

In the Forms screen or the Form step of your campaign, create a form with the information you would like to collect. Depending on your scenario, you will need at least the fields below:



Add your "delivery type" field

If coupons are sent via email or SMS message, you’ll now need to add a custom field in your form so that participants can choose how they’d like to get the coupon.

After you’ve typed the options, set a value for each choice. It’s important to add them, as the value attribute specifies the data to be sent to ClearOn when the form is submitted.

  • “sms” = coupon is sent by SMS
  • “email” = coupon is sent by email


Alternatively, to set a specific delivery type for your coupon, you can pass the delivery type value in a hidden field as shown on the screenshot:


Finally, assign your new mapping variable to this field:


If participants will use the field to specify their preferred method, your coupon form could look something like this:


Conditional form fields
An easy way to do this is to use a conditional field.

Go to your Qualifio campaign’s exit screen

After successful form configuration, the ClearOn coupon box should be displayed in the Exit step of the campaign (below the text zone). You can insert coupons from a particular exit screen by clicking the button Insert a ClearOn coupon.


If you do not see this option, it’s likely your form configuration isn’t complete. Please go through the following checks before requesting support: 1) your campaign mode is identified and 2) the CRM variable {email} or {phone} is included in your form.

From the pop-up that opens, you will be prompted to set the following properties about your coupon:

  • Coupon code
    This is how the coupon is identified in ClearOn.

  • Coupon validity (in days)
    This is the number of days during which the coupon will be valid. (must be a number without decimal)

  • Coupon delivery
    You have two choices for delivery:

    1. Automatic: When ClearOn receives a notification that a new participant has taken part in a campaign, it then automatically emails or SMSes the coupon to them. You will not be able to preview the coupons in your Qualifio exit screen because they are generated by ClearOn. An alert box will be displayed in blue to indicate that the selected delivery mode is Automatic.
    2. Button: In addition to or instead of the automatic delivery, coupons can be inserted directly into the exit screen. For example:


In case you want to give the coupon both through the exit screen and via ClearOn’s email/SMS, you should choose Button as coupon delivery.

Step 3. Previewing your campaign

Once you click Insert, we will enable the coupon in your campaign.

Next, preview your campaign so you can verify that it is working as expected. Click on the Preview button.


Best practices & FAQs

When doing this, key things to keep in mind are:

  • You may edit or delete coupons during the campaign.
  • You can’t display multiple offers in one email/SMS or the exit screen.
  • ClearOn provides the entire coupon management backend, so choosing whether the coupon type is print or mobile must be done in ClearOn’s back-office.
  • For each participant, Qualifio creates, at the time of participation, a new coupon and a new entry in ClearOn’s database.
  • In quizzes and personality tests, you can use exit screens to offer targeted incentives according to scores or profiles. Get creative!
  • Variables can be used to personalise the content in a campaign's exit screen. Just select the place you want to add the variable and click the Dynamic variables button to select the desired variable. There you go!

Thanks a lot for following along! We hope you enjoyed learning how to use the ClearOn integration. To summarise, integrating ClearOn coupons into your campaigns means providing an easy way for a participant to receive their discount. You can:

  • email a coupon to each new participant who joins your campaign,
  • send out an SMS with a redeem link,
  • use the exit screen to display a redemption link for the coupon to be delivered.
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