Managing user expiry dates

User accounts with an expiry date provide an easy way to create a user account for temporary use and enhance the security of your account. Let’s discuss how to manage user expiry dates in Qualifio.

By default, user accounts are set to expire exactly one year from the last login date.

How it works

Sometimes, people never actually log in to their user accounts, and the accounts should be disabled. Others use their account regularly. This is why the system uses the user’s last login date to determine when the account must expire (+1 year from the last login). The countdown is thus reset at each login.

By automating account expiry this way, we are enhancing the security of your account. User accounts that are left unused are automatically expired, while regularly used accounts continue to be available.

Now, one year may be too long (or too short) for some scenarios. So, of course, this can be changed for single accounts.

Change a user's expiry date

As an owner or as an admin, you are responsible for managing the expiry dates for your account users.

You can set a user to expire on a specific date. One reason you might want to change the expiry date is to enforce a shorter validity period on a temporary user.

Follow the steps below if you want to set a user account to expire on a specific date:

  1. In Qualifio, go to the Organisation tab. (If you aren’t an owner or an admin, you won’t see this section.)
  2. Select Users.
  3. On the next screen, the list of users in your account is displayed. Click on the one that needs updating.
  4. Use this option to choose a new expiry date:
  5. Then select Save to confirm the change.
  6. Hurrah! You have rewritten the expiry date. The user won’t be notified that their expiry date has changed.

You must be an organisation owner or an account admin to perform these steps. If you’re a user with a different role, you don’t have permission to set a new expiry date. Learn more.

What happens when a user account expires in Qualifio?

When a user expires, their account will be locked and the user won’t be able to log into Qualifio anymore.

The organisation Owner or the account Admin can reactivate the account to allow the user to access and use Qualifio again.

Further reading: Reactivate a user account


Is it possible to change the account to never expire?

No. User expiry allows you to keep your account in Qualifio secure. This is why you can’t make the user account never expire.

Can I update expiry dates in bulk?

No. The account expiry date must be set for each user.

What is the difference between user account expiry and password expiry?

User account expiry allows you to create a temporary user account that will expire automatically on the specified date.

The password expiry, on the other hand, determines how long a password can be used before the user is required to change it. Its purpose is to help enforce password security in a Qualifio account. If your Qualifio password has expired (automatically after 90 days), you are required to change it on the login screen. After changing it, you can then log back into Qualifio with your new password.

Why is a user account expiry date blank?

You can create a new user account and invite them to log in. For more information, see Creating users.

When a user is invited from Qualifio, the user is expected to log in and verify their account within the hour (link validity period). Until the user activates their account by clicking that link, the account remains “unconfirmed” – which means the account is created but not active.

No expiry date is set on unconfirmed accounts. On creating a new account, there is no way to set an expiry date based on the last login date of the user. Users' expiration date is calculated automatically only after the first login.

Resetting the password will activate the account if the user clicks the reset password link. To learn more about passwords, see also Resetting user passwords.

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