Testing your rewards program

You’ve built your rewards program and now you’re excited to get it live… Before you do that, we recommend doing a test run of the program to make sure you're happy with all the steps. This article will walk you through testing your program from beginning to end.

In this article

  1. Testing the member portal
  2. Testing the earning rules
  3. Testing the levels
  4. Testing the burning rules
  5. Testing the referral program
  6. Next step

How to test the program?

You can use test member accounts to test your program’s implementation as a real member would. Test members’ activities are not visible to other members.

1. Testing the member portal

You will be able to access the portal page through a direct URL:


Then, you will be able to sign up for the program using the test member account’s email address.

⚠️ Qualifio is not responsible for authenticating members. Since you are using SSO to let members log in to your program, it is your responsibility to authenticate the members.

We also recommend you check the portal design and wording is correct.

2. Testing the earning rules

Earning rules define how members can earn points. For more information, see Earning rules.

We recommend testing all your earning rules by completing the necessary actions for those. Then, check that you got the points for completing that action by checking the Transaction history widget on the member portal or by viewing your point balance in the CRM.


If you experience unexpected behaviour, there are several things that you can do to monitor and troubleshoot your flows and integrations in Qualifio. This article provides help in investigating common errors you might experience to help resolve issues quickly.

3. Testing the levels

Each level has a unique threshold, so you will need to earn that number of points to be assigned to each level.

For example, if your threshold for the Silver tier is 50 points, then you need to complete the necessary actions to reach 50 points.

Alternatively, you can use the Adjust points button in the CRM section.

4. Testing the burning rules

Burning rules define how members can redeem points for rewards. For more information, see Burning rules & reward redemption.

Assuming you’ve created at least one reward, to test the redemption of a reward on the member portal, do the following:

  1. Go to your Reward catalogue widget.
  2. Click Get your reward on one of the rewards.
  3. Check the Reward history widget to confirm that the correct reward is displayed.
  4. When a member chooses to transfer points for a reward, Qualifio updates their points balance. Check the Transaction history widget the correct amount of points was deducted.

5. Testing the referral program

Check that your referral program is working correctly by completing a test referral. See a step-by-step guide to completing a test referral.

Next step

Lastly, don’t forget to purge your program to avoid these tests to be part of your data. To do this:

  1. Select the programs link in the top left corner of the screen.
  2. Navigate to your program.
  3. From the More options menu, select Purge program.
  4. Confirm the purge.

Yay! Now that you have tested the full member experience and cleared your reports, you’re good to go with your program. All in all, doing a test of all the steps of your program should give you great reassurance and the ability to launch in confidence 👍🏼

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