How to make a quiz question with an instant check

Want to make a quiz that allows a chance to redo by giving participants an unlimited number of attempts? With the right question type, you can do that! In this tutorial, we'll walk you through creating a question with an instant check which you'll be able to adapt to your needs and add to your own quiz. Let's take a look at how it works in more detail.

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How questions with instant check behave

Using instant check questions means participants can try a question again. They are allowed an unlimited amount of attempts. This means that once a participant has started, they can try over and over again. Note: the number of attempts cannot be customised so that the participant can submit only a restricted number of times.

What participants see

If the participant's answer matches one of the accepted answers, we colour the field green and reset it so that the participant can type another answer. The answer also gets added to the screen. If the answer is wrong, we colour the field red.

But what if the participant leaves the answer field blank and tries to submit? In this case, nothing would happen because we can't determine the value of something that's not there.

Adding a quiz question with instant check

First of all, set up your quiz from Create a new campaignQuizChrono quiz or Cumulative points.

Tip: By default, Classic quizzes do not have a time limit, which allows participants as much time as they need to complete the quiz. However, you have the ability to set a time limit on how long the participant has to complete each question. To create a quiz with a timer to see if people can beat the clock, pick the Chrono quiz option. To create a quiz where participants can accumulate scores over several days, pick the Cumulative points option. Then click the Start campaign button.

Now let's get to it. To add a quiz question with an instant check:

  1. Click the Questions step. Manually create a new quiz question by clicking the Create a new questionnaire button.
  2. Select the Alphanumeric field with instant check question type and add the question text and answers you need.
  3. To increase engagement and visually support the question, you can upload an image from your computer (or from a URL) or embed a video (e.g. from YouTube).
  4. If your question accepts more than one version of an answer, you can enter a list of accepted answers separated by a semicolon (;). E.g.: Chandler Bing;Chandle Bing;Chandler Bin. Fast fact: currently, instant check questions are not case-sensitive.
  5. Add some hints to your answers (optional).
  6. To save your question, click Save.
TIP! You can create various types of questions in your quiz. Feel free to put in as many questions as you want, but we suggest limiting your quiz to a maximum of 15 questions (ideally even less) to keep the participant engaged from start to finish.

Then, let's move on to the next step.

Showing people their score

Before we go further, ask yourself this: do I want the participant to see the score in real time or only after they complete the quiz? You can choose whether you want to show someone their score.

To display the participant's score during the questions, select Show participants their score.

Scoring of a question with instant check

The point value for a correct answer is 1. It's not possible to assign more than 1 point to answers.

Points are awarded based on the number of answers correctly filled in. So the max score is equal to the number of answers the participant has to find. The points participants earn for each answer are added up to the total score of the quiz.

Participants get 0 points when they submit a wrong answer (the number of attempts doesn't have an influence on the number of points).

While you're at it, you might want to tweak your exit message too. Something simple like "You scored N/15" could work. In this example, the N is the quiz score dynamic variable.

👉 Need help? Learn how to use dynamic variables in Qualifio.

Making the completion of the question optional

Occasionally, participants will attempt a quiz question and for a variety of reasons will want to give up halfway through. You can set up your quiz question so that people get partial credit for whatever answers have been filled in.

To do this, select Optional from the options associated with the question. If this setting is selected and the participant clicks "Next", then they earn points for the answers that were correctly filled in.

Layout of the question

You are given two options for the layout of your quiz question. It is possible to choose whether a grid (large thumbnails) or a list will be displayed.

And now you have a working question with an instant check!

Click the Preview button to see what participants will see when they take the quiz.

Analysing quiz statistics

From your campaign list, go to your campaign → Statistics and click Detailed reporting.

Statistics for each question can be found under the Participations tab and show how each participant answered each question in your quiz.


The Total score column indicates how many points each question was worth, out of the max score for the question.

Learn more about the campaign statistics here. After all, you'll want to see how many people finish the quiz. And you'll want to know where they came from, too.

What's next?

Now you're all set! Of course, there are many more details you can tweak to make your quiz perfect. Feel free to


  • Questions with an instant check are not available when using the Sudden death quiz format.
  • The answer justification options are not compatible with the instant check.
  • Questions with an instant check don't display more than 50 answers.

That's it! Creating quizzes with an instant check is so easy 🙂 

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