How to manage your social media “virality” settings

Qualifio provides options for managing social sharing options with your campaigns. You can specify which sharing options are available to the participants and enter a sharing message to provide a suggested default when participants share your campaign. In this article, we’re going to explain the social media settings in Qualifio.

Table of contents


Currently, only Facebook, X, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Messenger, and Pinterest are supported. However, there are a few different ways to add social options to your campaign!

For more information on what is possible with Instagram, please see this article.

You will find the social settings in your campaign > Virality step. You can enable/disable options from there.



This information will be displayed when your campaign is shared to social media sites.

Capture d’écran, le 2023-12-04 à 15.25.37.png

If your campaign information (title, description and thumbnail) is out of date when shared on Facebook (i.e. you changed it but Facebook still fetches the old one), click here 😉

Social media buttons

Include social share buttons in the header of your campaign to enable participants to easily share your campaign at any time.

Where social buttons show

In the top left corner of your campaign.

Capture d’écran, le 2023-12-04 à 15.26.38.png

Select the social sharing options that should be shown. The following "social media buttons" are available:

  1. Facebook: Give participants the option to share your content on their Timeline (and thus, in their friends’ News Feeds) and add a comment to the link when sharing it.
  2. X: Enable participants to easily share your campaign with their networks on X. You can pre-populate the post and participants can add to it when sharing.
  3. WhatsApp: Allow participants to easily share your campaign to WhatsApp. This social media button will only show if the participant is on mobile.
  4. LinkedIn: Enable participants to easily share your campaign with their connections on LinkedIn.

Optionally, you can set a custom sharing message.

Capture d’écran, le 2023-12-04 à 15.27.45.png

You can disable a social option at any time by using the toggle.

Exit screen actions

After they took part in your campaign, you can ask participants to share and spread the word.

Where exit screen actions show

In the end screen of your campaign, below the main content.

Capture d’écran, le 2023-12-04 à 15.31.47.png

To configure the sharing options that will be displayed, click the Exit screen actions tab and toggle the options to ON to further customise them. The following "exit screen actions" are available:

  1. Facebook: Give participants the option to share your content on their Timeline (and thus, in their friends’ News Feeds) and add a comment to the link when sharing it.
  2. Messenger: Enable participants to share your campaign with specific friends via a private Facebook Message. This exit screen action will only show if the participant is on desktop.
  3. X: Enable participants to easily share your campaign with their networks on X.
  4. WhatsApp: Allow participants to easily share your campaign to WhatsApp. This exit screen action will only show if the participant is on mobile.
  5. Pinterest: Enable participants to share (“pin”) your campaign on Pinterest.

With the exception of Messenger, a custom sharing message can be configured for each exit screen action.

Capture d’écran, le 2023-12-04 à 15.33.12.png

Note: You can include variables in those messages, such as the score of the participant. We’ve written a quick guide on how to use such variables.

You can disable a social option at any time by using the toggle.

Note: If you're looking to enable the Facebook sharing options in a football or hockey Team selector, we recommend this documentation.

Share incentives for Facebook

Encourage participants to share your campaign by giving them a good reason to do so.

You can choose one of these four incentives:

  • Share to improve their score (only in types of campaign that have scores).
  • Share to get an extra chance in the draw (only in types of campaigns that have a draw).
  • Share to get another chance at the tie-breaker question (only if you have a tie-breaker).
  • Share to play again immediately.

Email invitations ("share by email")

Note: The Email invitations option will only appear when the advanced feature is enabled.

At the end of each campaign, you can include a screen for your participants to share your campaign via email.

Where email invitations show

At the end of your campaign, right before the exit screen.


  • These invitations can be used as sponsorship emails: for every “friend” that ends up taking part in your campaign, you can give extra points to their “sponsor”.
  • Everything happens via Qualifio. Participants do not have the opportunity to create a new email with a link to your campaign and set the text to be sent.
  • The sharing via email is provided through email fields. When the participant clicks “send”, recipients are sent a message you have set up via Qualifio.

To learn more about this option, click this link.

Soft gates

Configure and display a social media “follow box” to generate fans/followers for your account.

Related FAQ: How to generate new followers with a soft gate

Social shares included in your campaign statistics

Facebook share numbers are reported on in your campaign statistics. Other social platforms will not show the number of shares.

However, your UTM tracking parameters will be included on social share buttons. For instance, if you share your own campaign on Facebook and add the code "utm_source=facebook", any shares on any social media sites that originated from your Facebook post would include this value. This way you can track social media success and understand the big picture (which specific channels led to participations and other conversions).

To get started with UTM tags, you can use this tutorial on identifying traffic sources in Qualifio.

Related content

How to easily hide the Facebook "Share on my wall" button
Adding custom text to Facebook share buttons
Facebook in-app browser compatibility

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