Unique coupon codes for Qualifio

There are numerous ways to engage potential customers using unique codes to be redeemed in-store or online. And with Qualifio, it’s incredibly easy!

How to create a unique code list?

🏷 Learn how to upload or generate unique codes.

Export unique codes

Now that you have your list of unique coupon codes, you can export it to TXT format. This is useful, for example, if you want to print unique codes onto your product packaging.

Note: We limit each download to 500,000 codes. If your code list is bigger than that, the system will happily help you complete the download by splitting the large file into multiple pieces. 


Use your codes in a campaign

Once you have added or created your unique codes, you can configure virtually any campaign to include one code per participant, automatically. Learn more about how to set up unique coupon codes to use in campaigns.

Note: You can't configure landing pages or Advent calendars to include unique codes.

In Qualifio, you have two options when it comes to configuring unique codes in campaign steps:

  • Require a unique code on the welcome screen: This option allows you to have more control over who can take part in your campaign.
  • Distribute a unique code on the exit screen: This option allows you to offer a unique code to anyone who takes part in your campaign.

Note! If you are running a contest and would like to limit unique participants or participations (for example, you might want to accept only one participation and thus one code per person), set participation limits.

How to require the codes on the welcome screen?

Note: A welcome screen is required for the use of this feature. If you don’t display the welcome screen, the code won’t be requested elsewhere.

Create a new campaign and choose the "Welcome" step. There is a security option called "Unique codes", pick this and select which code list you want to use.


Note: An access code is somewhat different as it is a single code that is given to all individuals.

How to distribute the codes on the exit screen?

Note: When distributed on an exit screen, each promotional code will be used once and only once.

To get started, open your campaign and click on the "Exit" step. You can type some copy to introduce your unique code.


The important part is that you insert this type of dynamic variable into the screen: 


To do so, spot the "Unique codes" section in the "Dynamic variables" and click "On the exit screen":


A dynamic variable will be inserted, which you will need to replace with the one generated for your code list. For example:


When the exit screen is shown, this variable will be dynamically replaced with a unique code for each participation.

Use your codes in an email

In Qualifio, create a new campaign or navigate to an existing one. Open the "Exit" step. On the "Send an email message" tab, locate the "Dynamic variables" section.

Select the right variable based on how you want to use the unique code:

  • "On exit screen" {BURN:999} to generate and distribute a unique code in the email.
  • "Used code to send by email" {codesburned} to show the code(s) that was/were already generated (or "burned") on the exit screen. This option will repeat the code(s) that was/were distributed on the exit screen, in the email you will be sending.
  • "Code used to unlock the campaign" {unique_code} to show the code that was used on the welcome screen.
Important: For emails that include unique codes, it's important that you use the right variable. Otherwise, recipients might not see a unique code in your email.

Testing unique codes

Before launching a campaign, it’s important to carry out a test to make sure that it shows and works correctly. To test your unique code implementation, just follow the steps laid out below:

  1. Preview your campaign by clicking the Preview button:
  2. Try filling out and submitting the questionnaire and/or form within your browser.
  3. We recommend resetting (or "purging") your campaign after your tests. This option allows you to easily reset your code list to its original state, starting again from scratch and making all codes redeemable. 


Unique code statistics

Access the campaign statistics to learn more about participations with unique codes. This information will be available as soon as the first participation is made. To find such statistics:

  1. Go to Statistics – Detailed reporting
  2. Click the Participations tab


🙌🏼 Learn more about the kind of information available in campaign statistics.


  • Can one code list be used in multiple campaigns?

Yes, you can use the same code list in multiple campaigns but, unless otherwise specified, you cannot use the same code multiple times. In case a single-use code is required on the welcome screen, a warning will be displayed if the code isn’t available anymore.


  • Can I include different code lists in different exit screens?

Yes, you can do so to build on the idea that exit screen A would have a promo code for a 10% discount and B would have a promo code for a 20% discount. You’ll need to generate two code lists. Go to "Content" > "Unique codes". There are a few basic settings like code quantity and format. After you have made the desired adjustments, hit the "Add the codes" button. 


Once the lists are created, we generate a dynamic variable for each one that you can insert into the desired screen of your campaign.

Note: You can also distribute unique coupon codes to winners only.

  • Can I allow participants to receive multiple codes?

Yes. You can distribute multiple codes for the same participation -- you need to add /2, /3, /n to the number of times you want the code to be distributed in the same participation.

For instance, {BURN:999} {BURN:999/2} {BURN:999/3} will distribute 3 codes.

That’s it! Schedule or publish your campaign as normal. You can do so on a minisite or embed your campaign in your blog or website. You’ll find all the information about this here.

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